viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

Cancelada Huega de ATC en Italia

NMOC has been informed that some Italian unions cancelled a National industrial action and local industrial actions on Sunday 28th May 2017.
Following NOTAMs  have now been CANCELLED : A3224/17 B2540/17 and B2541/17.
New NOTAMs for cancellation:
NOTAM 1A3367
NOTAM 1B2651
NOTAM 1B2652

The local industrial action in Padova ACC is still in force.
NOTAM LI 1A3223/17 refers.

NM will hold a conference on Friday 26th May at 1100 UTC.
Login details are hereafter:
Dial: +44 2071 928000
Conf ID: 28884611

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