martes, 27 de junio de 2017

Demoras en las llegadas

EGKK (Gatwick), EGLL (Heathrow)
Arrivals regulated  due to weather (forecast CB activity)
High delays expected in EGKK.

LTBA (Istanbul Attaturk)
Arrivals regulated due to AD capacity.
Moderate delays.

Greek Airports

LGMK (Mikonos) LGZA (Zakintos) LGSR (Santorini) LGSA (Chania)
Arrivals regulated due to capacity.
Moderate to high delays.


LFBB (Bordeaux)
Flights via OKABI/GIROM/GEANT TO NH12 SCTR regulated due routing issues.
High delays.

LEBL (Barcelona)
Sectors Lerida and New Ponent regulated due to ATC capacity.
Low to moderate delays.

LOVV (Vienna)
Weather regulations applied in South & West sectors due to CB activity.
High delays in West sector and moderate delays in South sector.

LFRR (Brest)
Several sectosr regulated due to high demand.
Moderate to high delays

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