martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

Demoras enlas llegadas

LFPB (Paris le Bourget)
Arrivals regulated due to ILS maintenance.
NOTAM A4201/17 and A4137/17 refers.
Very high delays all day.

LPPR (Porto)
Arrivals regulation extended until 1300 UTC due to weather (low visibility)
High delays.

EGKK (London-Gatwick)
Arrivals regulated due Capacity.
Low to moderate delays.

EHAM (Amsterdam)
Arrivals regulated due to Aerodrome capacity.
Moderate delays.

LGSA (Chania)
arrivals regulated due to capacity.
Moderate to high delays.


EDUU (Karlsruhe)
Several sectors regulated due to capacity.
Low to moderate delays.

EGTT (London)
Sectors 10+11 (North Sea) are combined due to ATC Staffing.
Low to moderate delays.

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