lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Huelga controladores aereos en francia

A french national call to strike and protest is planned this Wednesday April 27th  starting at 1700 UTC , until April 29th 0400 UTC. Several public service unions have echoed this call, including USAC-CGT for the DGAC .
DSNA conference summary:
Foreseen disruptions have been explained during today's conference call.
The airlines have been asked to work, for Thursday April 28th (applicable from April 28th 4:00am UTC to April 29th 4:00am UTC) , on revised flights programs with a reduction of:
- 20% for Paris-Orly. In order to achieve 20 % reduction Aircraft Operators should cancel 1 rotation every 5 rotations. Territorial continuity flights (Corsica and french overseas territories) are not affected by these measures.
Proposed revised flights programs must be sent before tomorrow, Tuesday April 26th, at 2:00pm local time (12:00 UTC), at the following address:
DSNA will keep you informed if ongoing discussions with the unions allow to consider a change in the strategy proposed at this stage.
The final decision to activate or not the flights programs reductions will be announced, at the latest, at the next DSNA conference call planned :

Wednesday April 27th 11:00pm local time (09:00 UTC)
Call number : 0033.
participant pin code : 34835821#

NOTAMN F0740/16

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