viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

Demoras en las llegadas

LFMD (Cannes)
Arrivals regulated from 1300 due to aerodrome capacity.
Moderate to high delays.

EGHI (Southampton)
Arrivals regulated at peak times during the afternoon due to staffing.
Low to moderate delays.

EGKK (Gatwick)
Arrivals regulated until 1500 for aerodrome capacity. Regulation may well be extended throughout the afternoon.
Low delays for the moment.

LEPA (Palma)
Zero-rate (due to storm passing overhead the field) now cancelled. No other regulation anticipated, although if there is a surge in traffic later as a result of the backlog, a reg will be applied to spread the traffic.

LGIR (Iraklion)
Arrivals regulated until the evening due to capacity.
Moderate delays.

LGZA (Zakynthos)
Arrivals regulated from 1620 until the evening due to capacity.
Moderate to high delays.

LTBA (Ataturk)
Arrivals regulated for capacity
Low delays increasing after 1250 to moderate.

LTFJ (Sabiha Gocken)
Arrivals regulated from early afternoon for aerodrome capacity.
Moderate to high delays.

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