jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018

Demoras en las llegadas

EGLL (London Heathrow)
Arrivals regulated due to Weather, CBs.
High delays until early afternoon.

EGKK (London Gatwick)
Arrivals regulated due to Weather, CBs.
Very high delays until the evening.

EGSS (London Stansted)
Arrivals regulated due to Weather, low visibility.
Moderate delays.

EGLC (London City)
Arrivals regulated due to Weather. low visibility and low ceiling.
Moderate delays.

EHAM (Amsterdam)
Arrivals regulated due to Weather (low visibility).
Moderate delays.

LGSR (Santorini)
Arrivals regulated due to Aerodrome Capacity.
Moderate delays.

LGTS (Thessaloniki)
Arrivals regulated due to ATC Capacity.
High delays.

LROP (Bucharest)
Arrivals regulated due to Aerodrome Capacity (one runway closed).
High delays.

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