domingo, 24 de julio de 2016

Estacion espacial en las escuelas

The School ISS presentations are:
There will be several presentations at the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium in Guildford about the successful school Amateur Radio contacts with Tim Peake GB1SS during his Principia mission on International Space Station (ISS).

Saturday, July 30 all Times BST
14:30 - The Sandringham School Principia Experience by students Jessica M6LPJ and Polly M6POG
Evening - After Dinner Speaker will be Libby Jackson, Astronaut Flight Education Programme Manager at the UK Space Agency

Sunday, July 31
09:15 - ARISS UK view of school contacts by Team Lead Ciaran Morgan M0XTD
09:45 - The Tim Peake Effect 1 by John Hislop G7OHO
10:15 - The Tim Peake Effect 2 and Life after Principia by RSGB Board Chair Steve Hartley G0FUW 
Frecuencia 145.800 MHZ FMN

Further details and full schedule of speakers at

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