EHAM (Amsterdam)Arrivals regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.
LEBL (Barcelona)Arrivals regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.
LEPA (Palma de Majorca)Arrivals regulated due to weather.
Moderate delays.
LTBA (Istanbul Ataturk)Arrivals regulated due to capacity.
Low to moderate delays.
Greek Airports:LGSR (Santorini) and LGSK (Skiatos). High delays
LGIR (Iraklion) LGKF (Kefalinia) LGSA (Chania) and LGZA (Zakinthos) Moderate delays
LGMK (Mikonos) delays reducing due to increased capacity.
All regulations due to capacity.
En-route:Several regulations
in EDUU (Karslruhe) and EDYY (Maastricht) due to capacity.
Delays are low to moderate.
LECB (Barcelona)Med north lower sectorregulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.
EGTT (London)Daventry south sector regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.
LCCC (Nicosia)East sector regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.
LFBB (Bordeaux)GO sector regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.
LFMM (Marseille)LFML TMA transit regulated due to capacity.
High delays.
LFRR (Brest)Several sectors regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.
LOVV (Wien)South and west high sectors regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.
LSZH (Zurich)Zurich TMA transit regulated due to capacity.
Moderate to high delays.