jueves, 1 de junio de 2017

Demoras en las llegadas

EHAM (Amsterdam)
Arrivals via SUGOL regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.

Greek Airports:
LGIR (Iraklion,) LGSA (Chania,) LGSR (Santorini) and LGZA (Zakynthos)
Arrival regulations applied.
Moderate delays for Santorini and high delays for Chania.


EDYY (Maastricht)
Most sectors regulated during the morning with reduced capacity at times due to introduction of new telephone system.
Delays currently low but are expected to increase.
Delays expected to be high in Brussels East High sector in particular.
Moderate delays in Brussels West High, Delta/Coastal High and Hannover East High sectors from 0800.

LECS (Sevilla)
LEMG arrivals via MA4 regulated due capacity.
Moderate delays.

LECB (Barcelona)
Sector Ponent upper regulated .
Low to moderate delays.

LFML (Marseille)
Moderate to high delays from 0730 for traffic transiting the CTA.

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