viernes, 24 de enero de 2014


Rescued kayaker David Greenwood, 81, won't let rescue put him off his passion

"The situation would have been far more perilous had the son not had the personal emergency beacon, because there were no vessels in the area that could have rescued them."

In this case the Australian PLB had an encoded location and was properly registered. The beacon was detected by a Russian GEO satellite at 0235, msg arrived AUMCC at 0243. Resolved location using data from NZ LUT from S12, 4 minutes later.

Kayakista Rescatado David Greenwood, de 81 años, no va a dejar de rescate lo desanime su pasión

"La situación habría sido mucho más peligroso tenido el hijo no tenía la baliza de emergencia personal, porque no había vasos en la zona que les podría haber salvado."

En este caso el PLB australiano tenía una ubicación codificada y fue registrada correctamente. El faro fue detectado por un satélite GEO ruso en 0235, msg llegó AUMCC en 0243. Ubicación Resuelto con datos de NZ LUT de S12, 4 minutos más tarde

See links for cool video footage of this event:
Rescued kayaker David Greenwood, 81, won't let rescue put him off his passion

"The situation would have been far more perilous had the son not had the personal emergency beacon, because there were no vessels in the area that could have rescued them."

In this case the Australian PLB had an encoded location and was properly registered. The beacon was detected by a Russian GEO satellite at 0235, msg arrived AUMCC at 0243. Resolved location using data from NZ LUT from S12, 4 minutes later.

See links for cool video footage of this event: F.CopasSarsat

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