miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015


Rescate de 24 desde el barco pesquero japonés

Amsa coordinó el rescate de 24 personas después de un 56 metros barco pesquero japonés atrapados en el fuego a unos 670 km al noroeste de dampier, frente a la costa oeste de australia.

Una emisión fue emitido a cerca de los barcos, y cinco aviones en la zona se encargaron para ayudar en la localización de la nave y en la identificación de la naturaleza de la angustia.

El avión encargaron incluido amsa ' a perth-basado en los aviones de ala fija dornier.

Un buque mercante respondió a la emisión de la navegación y rescató a todos los 24 tripulantes, uninjured, desde una liferaft.

"AMSA today coordinated the rescue of 24 people after their fishing vessel caught on fire about 670km north west of Dampier, off the West Australian coast.

About 11.45am AEDT this morning, AMSA Search and Rescue detected a distress beacon off the West Australian coast and was simultaneously contacted by the Japan Coast Guard. 

The vessel in distress was a 56 metre Japanese fishing vessel and the distress beacon was registered with Japan.

AMSA Search and Rescue issued a broadcast to ships in the area to assist, as well as tasking a total of five aircraft to assist in locating the vessel in distress and identifying the nature of distress. The aircraft tasked included AMSA'a Perth based fixed wing Dornier aircraft.

A merchant vessel responded to the broadcast to shipping and rescued 24 people from a liferaft about 4pm AEDT this afternoon. No injuries were reported." 

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