viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

Ukraine-produced An-132

Ukraine-produced An-132 light transport plane takes to the skies for the first time

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Join us on Facebook for Boeing 787-10 first landing at Charleston on

Noticia de AENA

Aena aplicará nuevos incentivos a las aerolíneas para estimular el tráfico aéreo desde mañana 1 de abril.

Demoras en las llegadas


EGLL (Heathrow) arrivals
regulated due to capacity
Moderate delays

pre-SDR days.

Some old photos from pre-SDR days... Amateur satellite comms, dish for lunar prospector reception. Good ole days...

Los 4 primeros BAM

Los 4 primeros de la serie han operado en todo tipo de escenarios y operaciones y son paradigma de desarrollo tecnológico 

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Over 400 new DAB transmitters transform digital radio coverage

The launch of 435 new national and local DAB transmitters was celebrated this week (28 March 17) during the Digital Radio Stakeholders’ Event at the headquarters of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) in London.
The additional transmitters have transformed the availability of DAB across the UK bringing 10 million more adults into coverage for local DAB stations and 1.5 million more adults into coverage for BBC national DAB stations. The DAB expansion has brought an additional 7,000 kilometres of the UK road network into coverage for local DAB stations and 2,300 kilometres of roads for the BBC national DAB stations.
During the event, senior representatives from four of the key stakeholders involved in the expansion of DAB coverage - Robin Holmes, BBC; Grae Allan, Bauer; Glyn Jones, Arqiva and Ian O’Neill of DCMS -  pressed the big green digital radio switch to mark the progress made.
Over 200 DAB transmitters have been built to expand coverage of local DAB stations from 75% to 90% of UK households in a programme of work co-funded by local commercial radio stations and multiplex operators, BBC and DCMS and coordinated by Ofcom. Local DAB coverage is now widely equivalent to FM coverage of local commercial stations, meeting the DCMS local coverage criteria for switchover. During the meeting it was confirmed that the local DAB expansion programme is largely complete with the last remaining few transmitters to launch by the summer.
In total, 14 new local DAB multiplexes have launched over the last four years and there are now 53 local DAB multiplexes which collectively carry 419 local stations including 45 of the BBC’s network of 46 BBC Local and Nations radio stations.
Alongside the expansion of local DAB coverage, national coverage of BBC and commercial services has also seen a step change since 2013.
The BBC has launched 161 new transmitters on its national DAB multiplex, bringing BBC Radio’s national network of 11 stations to 97% of UK households on DAB and providing more robust coverage for 26% of homes or 13.6 million adults.
New transmitters have also been built to support the two national commercial DAB networks, Digital One and Sound Digital. Sound Digital, which launched in March 2016, was built to serve 77% of UK households, and now carries 19 stations, whilst Digital One’s coverage has been expanded to 91% of the UK and now carries 13 stations, including the newly launched Heart 80s from Global.
During the meeting, Digital Radio UK unveiled the new spring digital radio consumer campaign which highlights that DAB coverage is now available to over  90% of households and prompts listeners to reconsider digital radio with the message, ‘if you think you know digital radio – think again.’ The campaign launches on Wednesday 29 March across national and local commercial radio stations.
Ford Ennals, CEO, Digital Radio UK, said:  “We welcome the massive expansion of coverage of the national and local DAB networks which has transformed the DAB listening experience for millions of listeners and drivers. We are marking the moment with a new consumer ad campaign highlighting that over 90% of the UK can now get DAB stations.”
Tamzen Isacsson, SMMT Director of Communications and international, said:  “With vehicle manufacturers now fitting digital radio as standard in almost 90% of new cars, it’s good to see the UK’s signalling infrastructure catching up so that more people can tune into the full range of local and national stations on offer along thousands more miles of road network.”
Robin Holmes, Head of Commercial, Distribution & Business Development, BBC, said: “DAB expansion is part of a range of technology and product innovations enabling us to make BBC Radio content accessible to audiences however they choose to listen, and to introduce new audiences to the greater range of quality, choice and features offered by digital listening.”
Grae Allan, BDR DAB Radio Director, Bauer, said:  “The expansion of local DAB coverage to be largely comparable or better than FM is a significant step change in securing the continuation of the robust health of radio listening in the UK and broadcasters, producers and sales teams on the ground in local markets to now promote DAB with great confidence to listeners and advertisers.”
Glyn Jones, Digital Radio Operations Manager, Arqiva, said: “Choice and coverage are central to the success of Digital Radio so we are delighted to have worked with the BBC, commercial radio, Ofcom and DCMS to have successfully extended the BBC’s national network and the local DAB network to millions more listeners in the UK. Additionally, we are proud to have launched Sound Digital, the second commercial DAB network and expanded Digital One to reach 90%of the UK.”


En La Puntilla, Cruz Roja sufrió dificultades para rescatar a 2 personas en apuro. Con ayuda de otras embarcaciones, todos están ya a salvo.
Frecuencias TETRA 164.747.5 

Frisian Flag 2017

Frisian Flag 2017. Day 4. Busy in tra's:

Se Finalizada la busqueda

Tras 7 días de intenso trabajo y gran despliegue de medios se da por finalizada la búsqueda del hombre caído al agua en .
F.112 Cantabria

Alerta Meteolorogica

Eunavfor Med

España participa activamente en las operaciones de la Unión Europea salvando vidas humanas en aguas del Mediterráneo

XXXVIII Curso de Defensa Nacional

XXXVIII Curso de Defensa Nacional visita el Mando de Operaciones de para conocer las operaciones de nuestras Fuerzas Armadas

Demoras en las llegadas

EGLL (London Heathrow)
Arrivals regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.

EHAM (Amsterdam)
Arrivals regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.

LTFJ (Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen)
Arrivals regulated due to capacity.
Moderate delays.


EDYY (Maastricht)
Several sectors regulated, with reduced capacity, due to N-VCS trial.
Moderate delays.

Singapore Changi Airport

Ground collision at Singapore Changi Airport between Emirates A380 and Scoot 787 during the night

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Emergencia declarada

Emergency declared  Belgian Air Component F16 Falcon FB-14 LION05 /
Frequency 243.000 

Curso de la Unidad de Comunicación en Emergencias

Curso de la Unidad de Comunicación en Emergencias


Se ha detectado el envío de algunos correos electrónicos que están suplantando la identidad de esta aerolínea con una oferta falsa de descuento por valor de 35€ en tu próxima compra. Si recibes un correo con estas características, por favor, no le hagas caso y elimínalo sin clicar en el enlace.
Canaryfly quiere transmitir la máxima tranquilidad a sus pasajeros. Ya estamos trabajando para tomar las acciones legales oportunas. Recordamos que nuestra única oferta vigente es la promoción de billetes a 10€.

Alarmas Meteorologica


Demoras en las llegadas

EGLL (London Heathrow)
Arrivals regulated due to wind at 3000 feet during the final approach.
Moderate delays.

LPPT (Lisbon)
Arrivals regulated due to low visibility.(RVR requirement - 300m)
Moderate delays.


KC135 NACHO82 airborne from Mildenhall on 259.600 entering area 8 to tank with C130J STRIX61. Air to air tanking frequency will be: 264.125

martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

El Aeropuerto de Jerez ha acogido un simulacro de accidente aéreo

El Aeropuerto de Jerez ha acogido un simulacro de accidente aéreo para analizar coordinación y tiempos de respuesta.

The 1st commercial Airbus A350

Almost there! The 1st commercial A350 to  is nearing .

service SAS 737-600

LIVE: After 19 years' service SAS 737-600 SE-DOR seems to be taking the scenic route on its last flight Oslo-St Athan for scrapping.


Los 11 varones de la 1ª fueron rescatados 2 millas al levante de . Y los 10 hombres de la 2ª a 2,5 millas al S Tarifa (2/2)
Frecuencias 156.500ch10,156.800ch16 

El A400 visita Washington

Lands at in Washington for visit with officers.

Demoras en las llegadas


EGLL (London Heathrow),
EGSS (Stansted), EGGW (Luton),
EGLC (London City) and
EGKK (Gatwick)

Arrivals regulated with reduced rate due to weather (low visibility).
High delays foreseen during the morning.

LPPT (Lisbon)
Arrivals regulated due to low visibility at reduced rate.
Moderate to high delays.


EDYY ( Maastricht)
Several sectors regulated due to airspace management.


KC135 QID11 & C130J STRIX61 are tanking in area 8 on 264.125

lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

Aeropuerto de Santiago

El Aeropuerto de Santiago recibe el primer vuelo de procedente de Fráncfort con un bautizo de agua.

Emergencia declarada

Emergency declared LX400 from Zurich to Dublin /
Frecuency 121.500

Puerto de Melbourne

HMAS Darwin leads ESPS Cristobal Colon of the Spanish Armada and HMAS Melbourne through Sydney Harbour
Frequency 156.800vh16

Cazaminas Duero

Cazaminas Duero y buques d , entraron este fin de semana en tras 20 días desplegados en Mar Negro
Frecuencia 156.800ch16 

Demoras en las llegadas


EHAM (Amsterdam)
Arrivals regulated due to aerodrome capacity.
Moderate delays.

ESGG (Goteborg/Landvetter)
Arrivals regulated due to Fog.
RVR value 350M until 1000UTC.


EDUU (Karlsruhe)
Several regulations applied due to staffing.
Low to moderate delays.

LFML ( Marseille)
Transit traffic via Marseille CTA regulated due to airspace management.
High delays.

US Army C-20 Gulfstream

US Army C-20 Gulfstream over South Wales Eastbound at FL370

sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017

Organización Conjunta de Cooperación en Materia de Armament

ACUERDO por el que se dispone la remisión a las Cortes Generales del Acuerdo entre el Reino de España y la Organización Conjunta de Cooperación en Materia de Armamento (OCCAR) para el establecimiento de una Oficina Satélite del Programa A400 en territorio español, y su ratificación.

Nueva en onda corta KIMF

Datos de la FCC:
Main Station Record - KIMF
Permittee: International Fellowship of Churches, Inc.
Call Sign: KIMF File Number: IHFC/P-20120302
License/Renewal: Grant Date: / / Expire Date: / /
CP/Pending Applications:
Transmitter Location: Lander County, 17.5 miles E-SE of Battle Mountain, 6 miles W of Bowawe
Transmitter City: Bowawe, NV
Coordinates: 40 35 53 N Latitude
116 36 27 W Longitude
Tower Heights: 70 Meters OHAGL 5030 Meters OHAMSL
Obstruction Markings:
Conditions: non
Target Zones: 3,4,9-13,35,45
Address: International Fellowship of Churches, In
Radio Station KIMF
9102 Reserve Dr.
Corona, CA 92883
Power No. of
No. Model (KW) TXs Freq. Tol. Emission
1 Harris MW-50 50.00 1 0.0015& 9K00A3E
2 PTS-HF-100KW 100.00 1 0.0015% 9K00A3E
Gain Azimuth Beamwidth Elevation.
No. Model (dB) (Deg) (Deg) (Deg)
1 Rombic 3-wire 13.00 108 35.00 23.00
2 Rombic 3-wire 13.00 138 35.00 23.00
3 Rombic 3-wire 13.00 313 35.00 23.00
4 Rombic 3-wire 13.00 40 35.00 23.00

Concusro de fotografia

¿Te gusta la ? ¿Te apasiona la ? Entonces pásate por ¡Tenemos un para ti! 

MIG 21

last MiG-21 derivative was delivered 22 March 2017 being Chinese GAIC JJ7A 3827

Embraer E190

Aurigny's Embraer E190 G-NSEY just back to Guernsey after its first trip to Europe: Amsterdam for maintenance. Cams:


"Aquí todo el mundo llega con una sonrisa a trabajar". Esto nos lo dice Patricia Valencia, del Dpto. de Programación y Gestión de Ingresos, quien reconoce que se siente "orgullosa de formar parte de un equipo de grandes profesionales, llenos de energía y entusiasmo". Amante de las pequeñas cosas, en su tiempo libre Patricia disfruta con una buena película, un almuerzo en familia o con amigos, una clase de yoga, un baño en la playa... y, por supuesto, ¡viajar!

French Air Force

French Air Force C160 Transall heading home with Swanwick COWLY sector 121.025

viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

exposición fotográfica

Inauguración de la exposición fotográfica del 50º aniversario de creación de las fuerzas aeromóviles del .

Estacion Espacial

ARISS contact planned for Los Angeles, USA

An International Space Station. contact has been planned for astronaut  Shane Kimbrough KE5HOD with Council of State Science Supervisors, Los Angeles, CA  USA.

The event is scheduled Wednesday March 29, 2017 at approximately 18.03 UTC.

The telebridge contact will be operated by IK1SLD, located in north Italy.
Downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM.


Reanudada la búsqueda del hombre caído al agua en . En zona nuestro helicóptero, bomberos112, y voluntarios de PC
Frecuencias 120.500,130.125,156.500ch10,156.800h16
F.112 Cantabria

C5M Galaxy

C5M Galaxy RCH554 inbound Mildenhall with Scottish 133.800

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

Festival Aereo de Gijon

novedades, y aqui están..que te parece si te decimos que podrás ver a la patrulla Acrobática Suiza PC-7, con 9 aviones turbohélice, y una exhibición de un Super Puma?.
Pues así es, Los PC-7 Team suizos y el Super Puma Display! y se estrenan en el Festival Aéreo de Gijón 2017.
Una presencia de alto nivel! les vamos a recibir bien no? y seguimos!

Jornadas de puertas abiertas

los próximos días 24, 25 y 26 de marzo...¡podrás visitarla!  de Levante
Frecuencias 156.600ch12,156.800ch16 

Nivel 4 de Alerta Antiterrorista

El ministro anuncia que España mantiene el Nivel 4 de Alerta Antiterrorista tras el ataque de

Curso de la Unidad de Comunicación en Emergencias

Curso de la Unidad de Comunicación en Emergencias

Emergencia declarada

Emergency declared BA762 from London to Oslo /
Frequency 121.500

Demoras en las llegadas

EGLL (London Heathrow)
Arrivals regulated due to strong winds.
Rate likely to reduce mid-morning.
Delays low, but expected to increase mid-morning.


LSAZ (Zurich)
Zurich TMA traffic regulated due to ATC capacity.
Moderate to high delays.

LSZB (Bern)
Bern TMA traffic regulated due to ATC capacity.
Moderate to high delays.

Escuchas desde Londres

QID71 & ASCOT7289 will be tanking on area 8 primary 264.125
 KC135 QID71 airborne Mildenhall heading for area 8 with Swanwick 233.725

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

Ejercicio Cantrabria 2017

Última reunión de preparación del con . Nos servirá para aprender y mejorar la respuesta ante grandes emergencias.

London Air Ambulance

London Air Ambulance (reg. G-LNDN) is near UK Parliament after firearms incident

Cultura de escucha

KC135 QID33 airborne from Mildenhall working Swanwick 275.500 about to turn into towline 8. Air to air tanking frequency will be: 315.825


Movilizados Guardamar Calíope de ;L/S Neptuno,L/S Mediterránea de y a las 9.30h el Helimer 205

Air Sim Meeting

Buenos días! Quién se anima al Air Sim Meeting el 25 de marzo?

Heads up in London City

Heads up in London City: After testing in Wichita  Bombardier series CS100 C-GWYD is on its way for steep approach demonstration flights.