lunes, 16 de abril de 2018

Estacion espacial internacional

ARISS contact planned for school in Warwick, UK

An International Space Station school contact has been planned for Ricky Arnold KE5DAU with Kings High School, Warwick, UK.

The event is scheduled on Thursday 19 April 2018 at approximately 12.05 UTC. 

The contact will be a direct operated by GB4KHS.

The contact should be audible in parts of Europe. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.800 MHz FM downlink.

Moreover, the event will be webcast real time:

1100 UTC : Web stream to start.  The school will welcome everyone, including those on the stream and will proceed into the presentations from the students on their activities that have led up to the contact itself.

1145 UTC : ARISS Operations UK will take over and provide the context for the contact itself.

1205 UTC : ARISS Contact with Ricky Arnold.

1215 UTC : ARISS contact concludes and final address from the school.
The web stream will be available on

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