martes, 16 de julio de 2013

RAF Typhoon y Tornado

El Instructor combinado Armas Calificado (CQWI) Curso comienza a RAF Lossiemouth hoy y se prolongará hasta el 28 de julio.

CQWI proporciona entrenamiento táctico avanzado para la RAF Typhoon y Tornado pilotos para convertirse en instructores de armas. El ejercicio ... se mantiene para los pilotos que se consideran los más brillantes y mejores, lo que les permite obtener reconocimiento táctico de la aeronave y la importancia de su papel en las operacione

The Combined Qualified Weapons Instructor (CQWI) Course starts at RAF Lossiemouth today and runs until the 28th July.
CQWI provides advanced tactical training for RAF Typhoon and Tornado pilots to become Weapons Instructors. The exercise is held for pilots who are considered the brightest and best, allowing them to gain tactical appreciation of the aircraft and the significance of their role on operations. 
CQWI will see a multiplicity of aircraft flying from the Station such as 1 (F) Squadron Typhoons normally based at RAF Leuchars, 47 Squadron's Hercules from RAF Brize Norton, GR4 Tornados from XV (R) Squadron and 617 Squadron, and Cobham's DA20 Falcons. The variety of aircraft types will provide support to the exercise and create realism to the scenarios and pressures placed on the pilots during operational flying. 
The exercise will be an excellent opportunity for RAF Lossiemouth to work alongside the Typhoon before the arrival of 1 (F) and 6 Squadrons from Summer 2014. 

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