viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014


PLB Rescue from Underground Cave

In this unique SAR case, a PLB appears to have been detected while transmitting from beneath the earth’s surface.

On 6 February 2014, RCCNZ started enquiries about the alert received, and Police called to advise them they were managing an incident at the same location.

Police sent in a cave rescue crew who lifted out a 41-year-old orienteering woman to safety from where she had fallen 12 meters down a cave entrance.

Read more about the RCCNZ here: 

PLB Rescate del metro Cueva

En este caso único SAR, un PLB parece haber sido detectado durante la transmisión de debajo de la superficie de la tierra.

El 6 de febrero de 2014, RCCNZ inició consultas sobre la alerta recibida, y la policía llamó para informarles que estaban manejando un incidente en el mismo lugar.

La policía envió un equipo de rescate de la cueva que levantó a una mujer de orientación de 41 años de edad a un lugar seguro desde donde había caído 12 metros por un entrada de la cueva.

Lea más sobre el RCCNZ aquí:
PLB Rescue from Underground Cave

In this unique SAR case, a PLB appears to have been detected while transmitting from beneath the earth’s surface. 

On 6 February 2014, RCCNZ started enquiries about the alert received, and Police called to advise them they were managing an incident at the same location. 

Police sent in a cave rescue crew who lifted out a 41-year-old orienteering woman to safety from where she had fallen 12 meters down a cave entrance. 

Read more about the RCCNZ here: F.CopasSarsat

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